• Harry’s Wing Amputation
  • Johnny the Duck’s Chronic Phallic Prolapse
  • Linda the Duck’s Prolapsed Phallus
  • Puff the Duck’s Egg Binding
  • Benny & Rosebud’s Frostbitten Feet
  • Linda the Duckling’s Dog Attack
  • Sophie’s Second Chance
  • Pepperjack’s Reproductive Infection
  • Hope the Duckling’s Hernia
  • Foods you should not feed your chicken
  • Signs of Reproductive Disease in Hens
  • Signs of Ear Infections in Chickens
  • Giving Chickens Health Exams
  • The use of Blue-Kote on Chickens
  • Fun Facts about Chickens
  • How to Make a Hobble for a Baby Chick
  • Is My Chicken Molting?
  • Where to Give Chickens Intramuscular (IM) Injections

  • Ducklings

  • Eye-related

  • Gastrointestional

  • Infectious

  • Musculoskeletal

  • Neurological

  • Nutritional

  • Parasitic

  • Reproductive

  • Respiratory

  • Skin & Feathers

  • Toxic

  • Traumatic

  • Cardiovascular

  • Chicks

  • Digestive

  • Eye and Ear

  • Infectious

  • Musculoskeletal

  • Neurological

  • Nutritional

  • Parasitic

  • Reproductive

  • Respiratory

  • Skin & feathers

  • Toxic

  • Traumatic/Deformity